Easily Compact & Repair a MS Access Database and display the size differences.
Original Author: Cierra Computers & Consulting
strDatabase as string
This code assumes that your Access database is in the same directory as your exe.
Be sure to reference:
MS DAO 3.X Object Library
MS Scripting Runtime
Boolean (True if Successful)
Public Function CompactDatabase(strDatabaseName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_CompactDatabase
Dim strPath As String
Dim strPath1 As String
Dim strPathSize As String
Dim strPathSize2 As String
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
'Save Paths for Database
strPath = App.Path & "" & strDatabaseName
strPath1 = App.Path & "" & "BackupOf" & strDatabaseName
'Repair Database
DBEngine.RepairDatabase strPath
'Get Size of File Before Compacting
strPathSize = GetFileSize(strPath)
'Kill the file if it exists
If Dir(strPath1) <> "" Then Kill strPath1
'Compact Database to New Name
DBEngine.CompactDatabase strPath, strPath1
''Kill the file if it exists
If Dir(strPath) <> "" Then Kill strPath
'Compact back to original Name
DBEngine.CompactDatabase strPath1, strPath
'Kill the file, no need to save it
If Dir(strPath1) <> "" Then Kill strPath1
'Get Size of File After Compacting
strPathSize2 = GetFileSize(strPath)
CompactDatabase = True
'Display the Summary
MsgBox UCase(strDatabaseName) & " compacted successfully." _
& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Size before compacting:" & vbTab & strPathSize _
& vbNewLine & "Size after compacting:" & vbTab & strPathSize2, vbInformation, "Compact Successful"
Select Case Err
Case 0
Case Else
MsgBox Err & ": " & Error, vbCritical, "CompactDatabase Error"
End Select
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
End Function
Public Function GetFileSize(strFile As String) As String
Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim f As File
Dim lngBytes As Long
Const KB As Long = 1024
Const MB As Long = 1024 * KB
Const GB As Long = 1024 * MB
Set f = fso.GetFile(fso.GetFile(strFile))
lngBytes = f.Size
If lngBytes < KB Then
GetFileSize = Format(lngBytes) & " bytes"
ElseIf lngBytes < MB Then
GetFileSize = Format(lngBytes / KB, "0.00") & " KB"
ElseIf lngBytes < GB Then
GetFileSize = Format(lngBytes / MB, "0.00") & " MB"
GetFileSize = Format(lngBytes / GB, "0.00") & " GB"
End If
End Function