NetBIOS Names vs. FQDN Explained

By | 2024-04-26

Understanding the distinction between NetBIOS names and Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) is pivotal for effective communication and management. These two naming conventions serve distinct purposes within computer networks, each playing a crucial role in facilitating communication between devices and services.

While NetBIOS names have a legacy of simplicity and local network focus, FQDNs offer a more comprehensive and globally recognizable approach to identifying network resources. Delving into the disparities between these naming systems illuminates their unique functionalities and helps network administrators navigate the complexities of modern networking environments.

What is a NetBIOS Name?

The NetBIOS name is a 16-byte identifier for a networking service or function on a machine running Microsoft Windows Server. It’s used by applications to communicate over a local area network (LAN). Essentially, the NetBIOS name serves as a more friendly way of identifying computers within a LAN, similar to how domain names work on the internet but confined to the local network. When you change your computer name in Windows, you’re also changing its NetBIOS name. 

Let’s break it down further.

Computer Name

This is the name you assign to your computer during installation or later in the system settings. For example, you might name your PC “MyPC” or “Big-PC” to make it more user-friendly than remembering an IP address like “”. The technical term for this name is the NetBIOS name.


The hostname is derived from the computer name. In Windows, it’s usually the same as the computer name, but with stricter naming restrictions. For instance, if your computer name is “Fred,” the hostname would also be “Fred.” However, on a domain network, the full computer name might include the domain itself, like “fred.mycompany.local”.

NetBIOS Lookup

When you perform a NetBIOS lookup, you’re essentially asking the network to map a NetBIOS name (like “MyHomePC”) to an IP address. This lookup helps computers find each other within the LAN. Although NetBIOS is an older method of name resolution, it’s still present in Windows for backward compatibility.

In summary, the NetBIOS name is a crucial part of Windows networking, allowing devices to communicate effectively over a LAN. It’s like a friendly nickname for your computer in the local network.

What is a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)?

A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is a complete domain name that specifies the exact location of a computer or a host on the internet. It consists of the hostname and the domain name. Let’s break it down further below.


The hostname is a label assigned to a server service available on a network. It helps make an IP address easy to remember. For example, in the FQDN “,” the hostname is “www.”


Sometimes, a subdomain is part of a larger domain. It’s located on the left side of a second-level domain. For instance, “” is a subdomain of “,” where “support” is the subdomain.

Domain Name

The domain name consists of a second-level domain (like “fortypoundhead”) and a top-level domain (TLD) such as “.com.” In the FQDN “,” “fortypoundhead” is the second-level domain, and “.com” is the TLD.

Remember that fully qualified domain names need a final dot or trailing period at the right end to indicate the end of the name, such as “” However, modern web browsers usually assume there is a dot already, ensuring you always have an FQDN.

Pros and Cons of Using NetBIOS vs FQDN

Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of using a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) versus a NetBIOS name on a Local Area Network (LAN):

FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)

  • Pros
    • Precision
      • FQDNs provide precise and unique identification for resources on the network. They include both the hostname and the domain name.
    • Stability
      • FQDNs remain stable even if the network configuration changes.
    • Fast Resolution
      • FQDNs are faster to resolve because they don’t require additional checks or lookups.
    • Compatibility
      • Works well with protocols like WMI and Performance Counters.
  • Cons
    • Length
      • FQDNs can be lengthy, especially if the domain name is complex.
    • Dependency on DNS
      • FQDNs rely on DNS (Domain Name System), so if DNS fails, FQDN resolution may also fail.

NetBIOS Name

  • Pros
    • Legacy Compatibility
      • NetBIOS names are compatible with older systems and legacy applications.
    • Shorter
      • NetBIOS names are shorter and easier to remember.
  • Cons
    • Deprecation
      • NetBIOS is an outdated protocol and should not be used in modern networks.
    • Less Precision
      • NetBIOS names lack the precision of FQDNs and may not uniquely identify resources.
    • Slower Resolution
      • NetBIOS names require additional resolution steps, impacting performance.
    • Challenges with WMI
      • Some sensors (like WMI) may not work well with NetBIOS names.


Always use FQDNs whenever possible. They offer stability, fast resolution, and compatibility with modern protocols. If you encounter issues with WMI sensors or other services, switch to FQDNs for better results.

Remember, as technology evolves, FQDNs are becoming the standard choice for network identification and resolution.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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