Notepad++ Cheatsheet

By | 2024-04-30

From time to time, we all need a little help.  I know I do.  Here’s a handy reference for my editor of choice, Notepad++.

File Menu
Ctrl-OOpen File
Ctrl-NNew File
Ctrl-SSave File
Ctrl-Alt-SSave As
Ctrl-Shift-SSave All
Ctrl-TabNext document
Ctrl-Shift-TabPrevious Document
Ctrl-NumpadGo to the nth document on the tab bar (n between 1 and 9)
Ctrl-Page UpNext Document
Ctrl-PageDownPrevious Document
Ctrl-WClose current document
Search Menu
Ctrl-FLaunch Find Dialog
Ctrl-HLaunch Find/Replace Dialog
F3Find Next
Shift-F3Find Previous
Ctrl-Shift-FFind in Files
F7Switch to search results window
Ctrl-Alt-F3Find (volatile) next
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F3Find (volatile) previous
Ctrl-F3Select and Find Next
Ctrl-Shift-F3Select and Find Previous
F4Go to Next Found
Shift-F4Go to Previous Found
Ctrl-Shift-IIncremental Search
Ctrl-nJump down
Ctrl-Shift-nJump Up
Ctrl-F2Toggle Bookmark
F2Go to Next Bookmark
Shift-F2Go to Previous Bookmark
Ctrl-BGo to Matching Brace
Ctrl-Alt-BSelect all between matching braces
Help Menu
Incremental Search
EnterNext match
Shift-EnterPrevious match
Edit Menu
Ctrl-CCopy the selected text
Ctrl-InsertCopy the selected text
Ctrl-Shift-TCopy the current line
Ctrl-ASelect all
Alt-Shift-Arrow Keys
Alt-Left Mouse click
Column Select Mode
Ctrl-Left Mouse ClickStart new selected area
Alt-CColumn Editor
Ctrl-DDuplicate current line
Ctrl-TSwitch the current with the previous line
Ctrl-Shift-UpMove current line or current selection up
Ctrl-Shift-DownMove current line or current selection down
Ctrl-LDelete current line
Ctrl-ISplit lines
Ctrl-JJoin lines
Ctrl-GLaunch GoTo Line dialog
Ctrl-QSingle line comment
Ctrl-Shift-QSingle line uncomment
Ctrl-KToggle single line comment
Ctrl-Shift-KBlock comment
(with selection)
Insert tabulation or space
(with selection)
remove tabulation or space
Ctrl-BackspaceDelete to start of word
Ctrl-DeleteDelete to end of word
Ctrl-Shift-BackspaceDelete to start of line
Ctrl-Shift-DeleteDelete to end of line
Ctrl-UConvert to lower case
Ctrl-Shift-UConvert to upper case
Ctrl-BGo to matching brace
Ctrl-SpaceCall to CallTip listbox
Ctrl-Shift-SpaceLaunch function completion listbox
Ctrl-Alt-SpaceLaunch path completion listbox
Ctrl-EnterLaunch word completion listbox
Ctrl-Alt-RText direction Right-To-Left
Ctrl-Alt-LText direction Left-To-Right
EnterSplit line downward, or create new line
Shift-EnterSplit line downward, or create new line
Ctrl-Alt-EnterInsert new unindented line above current line
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-EnterInsert new unindented line below current line
View Menu
Ctrl-Keypad +Zoom in; same as Ctrl-Mousewheel up
Ctrl-Keypad –Zoom out; same as Ctrl-Mousewheel down
Ctrl-Keypad /Restore Zoom
F11Toggle Full Screen
F12Toggle Post-it Mode
Ctrl-Alt-FCollapse current level
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-FUncollapse current level
Alt-0Fold All
Alt-(1-8)Collapse the level (1-8)
Alt-Shift-0Unfold All
Alt-Shift-(1-8)Uncollapse the level (1-8)
Macro Menu
Ctrl-Shift-RStart/stop recording
Ctrl-Shift-PPlay recorded macro
Alt-Shift-STrim trailing and save
Run Menu
F5Launch run dialog
Alt-F1Get PHP help
Alt-F2Google search
Alt-F3Wikipedia search
Alt-F5Open filename at cursor
Alt-F6Open file in another instance
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-ROpen in Chrome
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-XOpen in Firefox
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-IOpen in IE
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-FOpen in Safari
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-OSend via Outlook
Mouse Gestures
Left ClickSet current line
Left click on Status barToggle insert/overwrite
Left click on bookmark marginToggle bookmark
Shift-left click on fold pointUncollapse fold and all below
Ctrl-left click on fold pointToggle collapsed state of this fold and all below
Right-clickContext menu
Double left clickSelect word
Double left click on location paneGo to line
Trip left clickSelect line
Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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