Another implementation of LZW compression for compressing VB strings. A 4K dictionary is used as suggested by the algorithm. A binary tree search is used for speeding up dictionary search. It accepts all the 256 characters. *** version 2 (23-Aug-99): bug fixed, performance improved ***
Original Author: lcwd
' Special thanks to Chris Dodge for reporting the bug
Option Explicit
Private Type BNode
DictIdx As Long
pLeft As Long
pRight As Long
End Type
Dim Dict(4096) As String
Dim NextDictIdx As Long
Dim Heap(4096) As BNode
Dim NextHeapIdx As Long
Dim pStr As Long
Sub InitDict()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 255
Dict(i) = Chr(i)
Next i
' Not really necessary
' For i = 256 To 4095
' Dict(i) = ""
' Next i
NextDictIdx = 256
NextHeapIdx = 0
End Sub
Function AddToDict(s As String) As Long
If NextDictIdx > 4095 Then
NextDictIdx = 256
NextHeapIdx = 0
End If
If Len(s) = 1 Then
AddToDict = Asc(s)
AddToDict = AddToBTree(0, s)
End If
End Function
Function AddToBTree(ByRef Node As Long, ByRef s As String) As Long
Dim i As Integer
If Node = -1 Or NextHeapIdx = 0 Then
Dict(NextDictIdx) = s
Heap(NextHeapIdx).DictIdx = NextDictIdx
NextDictIdx = NextDictIdx + 1
Heap(NextHeapIdx).pLeft = -1
Heap(NextHeapIdx).pRight = -1
Node = NextHeapIdx
NextHeapIdx = NextHeapIdx + 1
AddToBTree = -1
i = StrComp(s, Dict(Heap(Node).DictIdx))
If i < 0 Then
AddToBTree = AddToBTree(Heap(Node).pLeft, s)
ElseIf i > 0 Then
AddToBTree = AddToBTree(Heap(Node).pRight, s)
AddToBTree = Heap(Node).DictIdx
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub WriteStrBuf(s As String, s2 As String)
Do While pStr + Len(s2) - 1 > Len(s)
s = s & Space(100000)
Mid$(s, pStr) = s2
pStr = pStr + Len(s2)
End Sub
Function Compress(IPStr As String) As String
Dim TmpStr As String
Dim Ch As String
Dim DictIdx As Integer
Dim LastDictIdx As Integer
Dim FirstInPair As Boolean
Dim HalfCh As Integer
Dim i As Long
Dim ostr As String
FirstInPair = True
pStr = 1
For i = 1 To Len(IPStr)
Ch = Mid$(IPStr, i, 1)
DictIdx = AddToDict(TmpStr & Ch)
If DictIdx = -1 Then
If FirstInPair Then
HalfCh = (LastDictIdx And 15) * 16
WriteStrBuf ostr, Chr(HalfCh Or (LastDictIdx And 15))
End If
WriteStrBuf ostr, Chr(LastDictIdx 16)
FirstInPair = Not FirstInPair
TmpStr = Ch
LastDictIdx = Asc(Ch)
TmpStr = TmpStr & Ch
LastDictIdx = DictIdx
End If
Next i
WriteStrBuf ostr, _
IIf(FirstInPair, Chr(LastDictIdx 16) & Chr((LastDictIdx And 15) * 16), _
Chr(HalfCh Or (LastDictIdx And 15)) & Chr(LastDictIdx 16))
Compress = Left(ostr, pStr - 1)
End Function
Function GC(str As String, position As Long) As Integer
GC = Asc(Mid$(str, position, 1))
End Function
Function DeCompress(IPStr As String) As String
Dim DictIdx As Integer
Dim FirstInPair As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Dim s As String
Dim s2 As String
pStr = 1
i = 1
FirstInPair = True
Do While i < Len(IPStr)
If FirstInPair Then
DictIdx = (GC(IPStr, i) * 16) Or (GC(IPStr, i + 1) 16)
i = i + 1
DictIdx = (GC(IPStr, i + 1) * 16) Or (GC(IPStr, i) And 15)
i = i + 2
End If
FirstInPair = Not FirstInPair
If i > 2 Then
If DictIdx = NextDictIdx Or (DictIdx = 256 And NextDictIdx = 4096) Then
AddToDict s2 & Left$(s2, 1)
AddToDict s2 & Left$(Dict(DictIdx), 1)
End If
End If
s2 = Dict(DictIdx)
WriteStrBuf s, s2
DeCompress = Left(s, pStr - 1)
End Function
Sub test()
Dim s As String
MousePointer = vbHourglass
s = Compress(Text1)
Text2 = DeCompress(s)
Text3 = Len(Text1)
Text4 = Len(s)
If Text1 <> Text2 Then
Text5 = "error"
Text5 = "ok"
End If
MousePointer = vbNormal
End Sub