A simple way of determining if a file exists. Simply pass it a full path and filename, and it will tell you if it exists, and whether or not it is a zero-byte file.
Function FileExists(strFile As String) As Integer
'* Name : FileExists
'* Date : Feb-17, 2000
'* Author : David Costelloe
'* Returns : -1 = Does not exists 0 = Exists with zero bytes 1 = Exists > 0 Bytes
Dim lSize As Long
On Error Resume Next
'* set lSize to -1
lSize = -1
'Get the length of the file
lSize = FileLen(strFile)
If lSize = 0 Then
'* File is zero bytes and exists
FileExists = 0
ElseIf lSize > 0 Then
'* File Exists
FileExists = 1
'* Does not exist
FileExists = -1
End If
End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim IntCheckFile As Integer
IntCheckFile = FileExists("C:\Config.sys")
Select Case IntCheckFile
Case -1
MsgBox "Sorry not there"
Case 0
MsgBox "Oh yeah exits but only zero bytes"
Case 1
MsgBox "Cool we do exist and greater than zero bytes!"
End Select
End Sub