Google Announces Job Cuts in Recruiting Division

By | 2023-09-14

Google is set to reduce numerous positions within its global recruiting section due to a wider reduction in hiring in upcoming quarters, as verified by CNBC.

Brian Ong, Google’s VP of Recruiting, communicated the unfortunate decision during a video meeting with employees on Wednesday. A recording of this session was secured by CNBC. Ong emphasized the difficulty of the decision and acknowledged its impact, but cited the forthcoming hiring projections as the driving force behind it.

Notifications regarding these cutbacks will be dispatched to affected recruiting staff starting Wednesday, according to Ong.

Earlier this year, Google’s parent company, Alphabet, declared a massive job cut of 12,000 roles, impacting approximately 6% of its regular employees. These reductions were widespread, extending into Google’s recruiting sector. Despite these austerity measures, Alphabet announced a 7% revenue surge in the second quarter, outperforming analysts’ predictions.

Ong further indicated that employees impacted by the recent job cuts will maintain access to Google’s offices for this week and have prolonged online system access. This move likely addresses earlier criticism from employees who were abruptly denied access following the January layoffs.

Courtenay Mencini, a spokesperson for Google, validated the reductions. Mencini stated in an email to CNBC that while the company remains committed to procuring top-tier engineering and technical talent, the demand for recruiting has lessened. She expressed the challenging yet necessary decision to scale down the recruiting department in light of the company’s ongoing efforts to operate efficiently.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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