How to Create Symbolic Links (Symlinks) in Linux

By | 2024-09-24

Ever heard of symbolic links (or symlinks, as they’re often called) but aren’t quite sure what they are or how to create one? Don’t worry—you’re not alone. In this post, we’re going to break down symlinks in Linux in the simplest way possible and show you how to create one.

What is a Symlink Anyway?

Think of a symlink like a shortcut on your desktop. It’s not the actual file or folder, but it points to it. So when you click on the shortcut (or symlink), it opens up the real file or directory as if you were accessing it directly. This can be super helpful when you want to quickly access files that are buried deep in your system or if you want to save space by linking to the same file from multiple places without duplicating it.

Why Should You Care About Symlinks?

Good question! Here’s why symlinks are useful:

  • Convenience: You can quickly access files from different places without having to copy or move them around.
  • Saves Space: Since symlinks point to a file or folder, you don’t have to keep multiple copies of the same data. It just links to the original.
  • Great for Developers: If you’re working on projects with large files, symlinks let you keep the original files in one place and create links in different directories for easier access.

Types of Symlinks: Hard vs. Soft

There are two main types of links in Linux: hard links and soft (symbolic) links. In this post, we’re focusing on soft links—these are the “shortcuts” I was talking about. They’re the most commonly used type and are easier to understand, especially if you’re new to Linux.

How to Create a Symlink in Linux

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get into the fun part: actually creating a symlink!

Step 1: Open Your Terminal

Most things in Linux start with the terminal (or command line), so go ahead and open it up. Don’t worry if you’re not super familiar with the terminal yet—you’ll get more comfortable with it as you go.

Step 2: Understand the Basic Command

The command to create a symlink is ln, which stands for “link.” To create a symbolic (soft) link, you add the -s flag to the command.

Here’s the basic format:

ln -s [target] [link_name]
  • [target]: This is the file or directory you want to link to.
  • [link_name]: This is the name you want to give your symlink.

Step 3: Create Your First Symlink

Let’s say you have a file called example.txt in your home directory, and you want to create a symlink to it in another folder, say /home/username/Documents.

Here’s how you’d do it:

  1. Navigate to the folder where you want the symlink to go:
    cd /home/username/Documents
  2. Create the symlink:
    ln -s /home/username/example.txt my_example_link.txt

What you’ve done here is create a symlink called my_example_link.txt in the /Documents folder that points to the actual file example.txt. Now, whenever you click or open my_example_link.txt, it will act just like example.txt!

Step 4: Verify the Symlink

To check if your symlink was created successfully, just list the contents of the directory:

ls -l

You should see something like this:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 username username   12 Sep 24 14:20 my_example_link.txt -> /home/username/example.txt

The arrow (->) shows that my_example_link.txt is pointing to /home/username/example.txt.

Extra Tip: Symlinking to Directories

You can also create symlinks for directories (folders). The process is exactly the same, just make sure the target is a directory instead of a file.

For example:

ln -s /home/username/Projects/home/username/Documents/my_projects_link

This creates a symlink called my_projects_link that points to the Projects directory.

Wrapping Up

Creating symbolic links in Linux is a simple yet powerful tool that can make managing your files and directories much easier. Whether you’re trying to save space, keep your system organized, or just want quicker access to frequently used files, symlinks can be a lifesaver.

Feel free to experiment with this—once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to see how useful symlinks can be.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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