Pusher – Target List Editor

By | 2009-05-20

The first thing that you”ll have to do when running Pusher for the first time, is to build a list of targets. Targets are the machines that that you want to push software to or perform an inventory on. Basically, if you want to perform an action, you need to let Pusher know what you want to perform the action on.

On the main screen of Pusher, midway down the second column, you”ll find a button marked Target List Editor. By clicking this button, the Target List Editor (TLE) will open, whereupon you can edit or create new target lists.

On the left side of the TLE, you”ll find a listbox which will contain the list of targets you are creating. To remove an entry from the Target List, simply double-click it.

Down the center of the window are buttons and fields for working with lists. :

Load Target List – Loads an existing Target List into the Target List box. Allows you to edit an existing list.

You can load multiple lists into the Target List box. The “Append To Current List” checkbox controls whether or not the next loaded list is appended to the existing entries.

Clear Targets List – Clears the Targets list.

Get Domain Computers – This will query Windows(tm) domain for a list of domain computers. The listbox labelled “Found Computers” will then be populated. To add a Found Computer to the Target List, double click it.

Add Found Computers – Clicking this will append the entire Found Computers list to the Target list.

Single Computer field/Add Single button – By entering a computer name in the Single Computer field, you can add a single computer to the Target List. Click the Add Single button after entering a computer name in the Single Computer field.

Save This List – After you are satisfied with the Target List, click this button. Using a standard dialog, you”ll be asked where to save, and what to name the list file. After saving, the TLE will be closed, and you”ll be back at the main window.

Exit List Editor – Close the TLE without saving.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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