Tricks For Remembering Strong Passwords

By | 2024-06-23

Creating and remembering strong passwords is crucial for online security. Here are some tricks to help you remember strong passwords:

  1. Use a Passphrase
    Instead of a single word, use a memorable phrase or sentence. For example, “MyCatEats7FishEveryDay!” is easier to remember and very strong.
  2. Acronyms and Initials
    Take the first letter of each word in a sentence. For example, “I love to read books at 5 pm” becomes “Iltrba5pm”.
  3. Include Personal Elements
    Incorporate details only you would know, such as the name of your first pet and a memorable year: “Fluffy2009#”.
  4. Mnemonic Devices
    Create a story or image in your mind to go with the password. For example, “Tg#fS@11Pm!” could be “The giraffe sings at 11 PM!”
  5. Use Keyboard Patterns
    Create a pattern on the keyboard that’s easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess. For instance, drawing a “Z” on the keyboard might look like “1qaz!QAZ”.
  6. Modify Common Words
    Use common words and modify them with numbers, symbols, and capital letters. For example, “Elephant” could become “3l3ph@nt!”.
  7. Password Managers
    Use a password manager to store and generate strong passwords. You only need to remember the master password for the manager.
  8. Rhymes and Songs
    Turn your password into a rhyme or song lyric that’s easy to recall. For example, “TwinkleTwinkle@123”.
  9. Chunking
    Break the password into smaller chunks. For instance, “D4r$F1reQ9v!” can be chunked as “D4r$-F1re-Q9v!”.
  10. Regularly Change Passwords
    If you change your passwords regularly, it becomes a habit and you get used to creating and remembering new ones.

By using these tricks, you can create strong, memorable passwords that enhance your online security.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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