Award BIOS Beep Codes

By | 2008-02-03

AwardBIOS was once the branded BIOS software by a company named Award. Award is now owned by Phoenix Technologies, one of the top BIOS software makers in the world. Many motherboard manufacturers have integrated AwardBIOS into their motherboards and, when trouble starts, will sound the AwardBIOS beep codes.

Some motherboards have custom BIOS software based on AwardBIOS so, depending on the motherboard, the beep codes from the custom BIOS may be exactly the same as the AwardBIOS beep codes or they may vary slightly. Most motherboard manufacturers will list the specific beep codes in their product manuals so reference yours when in doubt.

Note: AwardBIOS beep codes are short, sound in quick succession and usually sound almost immediately after powering on the PC.

If you hear only 1 short beep, and your PC continues to start normally, don”t worry. This beep is probably an “all systems clear” tone that some AwardBIOS implementations will sound.

Below are the technical causes of each AwardBIOS beep code followed by a short series of steps to resolve the cause of the issue.

1 Long Beep, 2 Short Beeps – Video adapter error

  1. Reseat the video card.
  2. Replace the video card.
  3. If the video card is integrated into the motherboard (the video card is not an expansion card), contact the motherboard manufacturer for further support or replace the motherboard.

1 Long Beep, 3 Short Beeps – No video card is present or video RAM is bad

  1. Reseat the video card.
  2. Replace the video card.
  3. If the video card is integrated into the motherboard (the video card is not an expansion card), contact the motherboard manufacturer for further support or replace the motherboard.

High-Pitched Beep/Low-Pitched Beep (repeating) – Processor error

  1. This error may be due to high CPU heat so check that the CPU fan is operating properly. Clean the CPU fan or replace it if necessary.
  2. The CPU may not be seated properly. Reseat the CPU.
  3. The CPU may be damaged. Replace the CPU.

High-Pitched Beeps (repeating, may sound after the boot process) – Processor overheating

  1. Clean the CPU fan.
  2. Replace the CPU fan.

All Other Beep Codes – Memory error

  1. Reseat the memory.
  2. Replace the system memory with new or known-good memory modules.
Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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