VB6 Tutorial 10: Common Properties 2 of 3

By | 2018-03-24

In this second part of three of the common properties section, we’ll take a quick look at nine more properties that are common to most default VB6 objects.

The Left, Top, Width and Height properties

  • The Left Property sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.
  • The Top Property sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.
  • The Width Property sets the width of an object.
  • The Height Property sets the height of an object.


Private Sub cmdChange_Click()
     Form1.Left = 12000
     Form1.Top = 7000
     Form1.Height = 10000
     Form1.Width = 12000
End Sub

The Container property

Moves an object into another container. You don’t see it in the Properties Window, it is a run-time only property.

In this case, you need to start with the ‘Set’ keyword.


Set Command1.Container = Frame1

The command1 control will be moved into frame1.

The Visible property

Determines whether an object is visible or hidden.


Label1.Visible = False

The Enabled property

Determines whether an object can respond to user generated events.



MousePointer and MouseIcon

The MousePointer property sets the type of mouse pointer over an object. The values of MousePointer property are

  • 0- Default
  • 1- Arrow
  • 2- Cross
  • 3- I-Beam
  • 4- Icon
  • 5- Size
  • …etc…

The MouseIcon property sets a custom mouse icon from your files.

In the next and final section on common properties, we’ll take a quick look at nine more.

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