VB6 Tutorial 60: Popup menu

By | 2018-06-02

Most commercial software products have popup menus (also known as context menus) as they can make the application more user-friendly and powerful.

When you right click on windows desktop, a popup menu appears. Visual Basic 6.0 provides a Popup menu method that you can use in your program to show the popup menu on the form’s surface.

To use the Popup menu method, you first need to create a menu. For example, create a menu with the name “View”. See the example given below.

The PopupMenu method


PopupMenu Menu, [Flags], [X], [Y], [DefaultMenu] 

Note: Arguments in [ ] brackets are optional.

Now write the following code in the form’s MouseDown event to invoke the popup menu.

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    If Button = vbRightButton Then
        PopupMenu mnuView   'PopupMenu is a method
    End If
End Sub

If you need only the popup menu but not the menu bar, set the Visible property of the menu control to False in design time.

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