By | 2006-11-27


Note: Limit batch file command lines to 256 characters. Exceeding this limit can stop the process without warning or result in files not being backed up.

ntbackup operation path [/a][/v][/r][/d"text"][/b][/hc:{on | off}] [/t{option}][/l"filename"][/e][/tape:{n}]

Operation: Specifies the operation, backup.

If you are backing up a drive, specifies one or more paths of the directories to be backed up.
If you are backing up Microsoft Exchange Server components, specifies the component and the server using the following format:

{DS server /IS server}

Server is the name of the server you are backing up preceded by two backslashes (for example, \\berkeley). DS indicates that you are backing up the directory, and IS indicates that you are backing up the information store.

/a   Causes backup sets to be added after the last backup set on the tape. When /a is not specified, the program reuses the tape and replaces previous data. When more than one drive is specified but /a is not, the program overwrites the contents of the tape with the information from the first drive selected and then appends the backup sets for the remaining drives.

/v   Verifies the operation.

/r   Restricts access.

/d “text”   Specifies a description of the backup contents.

/b   Specifies that the local registry be backed up.

/hc:off   Specifies that hardware compression is on or off.

/t {option}   Specifies the backup type. Option can be one of the following:
  Normal  All selected files or Exchange Server components are backed up and marked as such on the disk.
  Copy  All selected files or Exchange Server components are backed up, but they are not marked as such on the disk.
  Incremental  Among the selected files or Exchange Server components, only those that have been modified are backed up and marked as such on the disk.
  Differential  The selected files or Exchange Server components that have been modified are backed up, but they are not marked as such on the disk.
  Daily  Among the selected files, only those that have been modified that day are backed up, but they are not marked as such on the disk. This can be useful if you want to take work home and need a quick way to select the files that you worked on that day. This option is not available when backing up Exchange Server components.

/l “filename”   Specifies the filename for the backup log.

/e   Specifies that the backup log include exceptions only.

/tape:{n}   Specifies the tape drive to which the files should be backed up. n is a number from 0 to 9 that corresponds to the tape drive number listed in the registry.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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