Jaro-Winkler String Comparison

By | 2019-12-31

The Jaro-Winkler distance (Winkler, 1990) is a measure of similarity between two strings.

It is a variant of the Jaro distance metric (Jaro, 1989, 1995) and mainly used in the area of record linkage (duplicate detection). The higher the Jaro-Winkler distance for two strings is, the more similar the strings are. The Jaro-Winkler distance metric is designed and best suited for short strings such as person names. The score is normalized such that 0 equates to no similarity and 1 is an exact match.




Public Function JaroWrinkler(ByVal prmKeyword As String, prmCompareTo As String) As Double

   Dim iProximity As Integer ' set the number of adjacent characters to compare to
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim x As Integer
   Dim iFrom As Integer
   Dim iTo As Integer
   Dim iMatchCharacters As Integer
   Dim iTransposeCount As Integer
   Dim iJaro As Double

   prmCompareTo = UCase$(Trim$(prmCompareTo))
   prmKeyword = UCase$(Trim$(prmKeyword))
   If prmCompareTo <> prmKeyword Then ' check if the two words are the same
      If InStr(1, prmCompareTo, prmKeyword) <= 0 Then
      ' compute for the proximity of character checking
      ' allows matching characters to be up to X number of characters away.
      If Len(prmCompareTo) >= Len(prmKeyword) Then
         iProximity = (Len(prmCompareTo) / 2) - 1
         iProximity = (Len(prmKeyword) / 2) - 1
      End If
      For i = 1 To Len(prmKeyword)
         ' this is the index of the character to be compared to
         iTo = (i + iProximity) - 1
         ' get the left most side character based on the iProximity
         If i <= iProximity Then
            iFrom = 1
            iFrom = i - iProximity + 1
         End If
         ' start the letter by letter comparison
         For x = iFrom To iTo
            If Mid$(prmKeyword, i, 1) = Mid$(prmCompareTo, x, 1) Then
               If i = x Then
                  iMatchCharacters = iMatchCharacters + 1
                  GoTo exitfor
               End If
               iMatchCharacters = iMatchCharacters + 1
               iTransposeCount = iTransposeCount + 1
               Exit For
            End If
      iTransposeCount = iTransposeCount \ 2
      If iMatchCharacters > 0 Then
         x = 0
         For i = 1 To 4
            If Mid$(prmKeyword, i, 1) = Mid$(prmCompareTo, i, 1) Then
               x = x + 1
               Exit For
            End If
         iJaro = ((iMatchCharacters / Len(prmKeyword)) + _
         (iMatchCharacters / Len(prmCompareTo)) + _
         ((iMatchCharacters - iTransposeCount) / iMatchCharacters)) / 3
         If x > 0 Then
            JaroWrinkler = iJaro + 0.1 * x * (1 - iJaro)
            JaroWrinkler = iJaro
         End If
         JaroWrinkler = 0
      End If
   Else ' return 1 result if the keyword is within the search string
      JaroWrinkler = 1
   End If
   Else ' return a 1 result if the string are the same
      JaroWrinkler = 1
   End If
End Function

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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