What is Wi-Fi sniffing?

By | 2023-09-13

Wi-Fi sniffing is the process of intercepting and analyzing data packets that are transmitted over a Wi-Fi network. This can be done by anyone with a Wi-Fi adapter that is capable of operating in “monitor mode.” In monitor mode, the adapter is able to see all of the data packets that are being transmitted on the network, regardless of whether they are addressed to the adapter or not.

How does Wi-Fi sniffing work?

Wi-Fi networks use a protocol called 802.11 to transmit data. 802.11 packets are broken down into two parts: the header and the payload. The header contains information about the destination of the packet, the source of the packet, and the type of data that is being transmitted. The payload contains the actual data that is being sent.

When a Wi-Fi sniffer is operating in monitor mode, it can see the headers of all of the packets that are being transmitted on the network. This allows the sniffer to see the destination and source addresses of the packets, as well as the type of data that is being transmitted.

In some cases, the sniffer may also be able to see the payload of the packets. This is possible if the packets are not encrypted. If the packets are encrypted, the sniffer will not be able to see the payload.

What can be sniffed on Wi-Fi networks?

A Wi-Fi sniffer can sniff a variety of data on Wi-Fi networks, including:

  • Usernames and passwords
  • Credit card numbers
  • Email messages
  • Chat messages
  • File transfers
  • Web browsing history

Is Wi-Fi sniffing legal?

The legality of Wi-Fi sniffing depends on the circumstances. In general, it is legal to sniff Wi-Fi traffic that is transmitted in the clear (i.e., not encrypted). However, it is illegal to sniff Wi-Fi traffic that is encrypted, unless you have the consent of the person who owns the network.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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