What is S Mode on Windows 10 and 11 ?

By | 2023-09-15

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and Microsoft’s Windows operating systems are no exception. A particularly notable development in this domain has been the introduction of “S Mode” in Windows 10, and its continuation in Windows 11. But what exactly is this mode, and is it beneficial for users? In this post, we’ll explore what S Mode is, its key features, its advantages and drawbacks, and delve into who should consider using it.

What is S Mode?

S Mode is a specific configuration of Windows designed to offer a more streamlined, secure, and performance-focused experience. Originally introduced with Windows 10, this mode limits the operating system to apps exclusively from the Microsoft Store and requires the use of Microsoft Edge for browsing.

Key Features

  1. Microsoft Store Only: In S Mode, users can only download and install apps from the Microsoft Store. This ensures that the apps you get are verified for security and integrity by Microsoft.
  2. Microsoft Edge Browsing: For web-related tasks, Microsoft Edge becomes the exclusive browser. The objective here is to provide a more secure web experience.
  3. Performance: Windows in S Mode is designed to provide faster boot times, longer battery life, and optimized performance by running a more streamlined set of background tasks.
  4. Security: With a limited range of software installations and the inherent security of Microsoft Edge, S Mode is generally considered more secure against malware and phishing attacks.

Pros and Cons


  1. Enhanced Security: The restricted app environment limits the chances of malicious software getting installed, making the system less prone to malware and viruses.
  2. Optimized Performance: With fewer background processes, devices often run faster and smoother, especially beneficial for lower-spec devices.
  3. Streamlined User Experience: With a limited range of software, there’s less clutter, making it easier for users to navigate and use their device.


  1. Limited Software Choices: You’re restricted to apps available in the Microsoft Store. This might be a deal-breaker for those needing specific third-party applications not present in the store.
  2. Browser Restrictions: The insistence on using Microsoft Edge might not appeal to everyone, especially those accustomed to browsers like Chrome or Firefox.
  3. Transitioning Out of S Mode: While you can switch out of S Mode, it’s a one-way process. Once you leave S Mode, you cannot revert back.

Should You Use S Mode?

For Educational and Enterprise Settings

S Mode is ideal for educational institutions and some businesses where standardized settings and enhanced security are paramount. The restricted environment ensures that devices are used for their intended purpose with minimal distractions or vulnerabilities.

For Personal Use

If you primarily use your device for general tasks like browsing, document processing, and entertainment, and all your essential apps are available in the Microsoft Store, then S Mode could be an excellent fit. It provides a more secure, efficient environment that might also extend your device’s lifespan.

For Power Users

If you’re a developer, graphic designer, or any professional who relies on specific software suites and tools, S Mode might feel too restrictive. The inability to download and run a range of third-party applications could hinder your workflow.

Windows 10 and 11 in S Mode cater to a specific set of users who prioritize security, performance, and a streamlined experience. While it’s not suitable for everyone, for those in its target demographic, S Mode presents a compelling case. As always, evaluate your individual needs, the apps you rely on, and your workflow to determine whether this mode aligns with your requirements.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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