Amazon’s New Passkey Feature

By | 2023-10-20

Amazon has introduced a passkey feature, aligning itself with the ongoing trend of passwordless security. Users can now employ biometric verifications like face scans or fingerprints for login purposes on Amazon’s website. This system significantly enhances security since hackers would need physical access to a user’s device to breach their accounts.

However, there are some hitches in this new system. Vincent Delitz from the German tech startup Corbado points out that Amazon’s core apps, like its shopping platform and Prime Video, do not yet support passkey logins, necessitating the continued use of passwords. Interestingly, even with a passkey setup, users with two-factor authentication (2FA) will still get prompted for a one-time verification code. Delitz finds this step redundant since passkeys, stored on devices, essentially sidestep the 2FA requirement. Amazon acknowledges the one-time code necessity post passkey sign-in but hasn’t elaborated on the rationale behind it.

The future of 2FA codes in this system, the timeline for passkey integration in Amazon’s apps, and the user coverage for this feature remain uncertain. Adam Montgomery, a representative from Amazon, remained tight-lipped but hinted at the nascent stage of this feature and promised more updates soon.

Amazon’s move comes on the heels of other tech giants like WhatsApp, Google, GitHub, Windows 11, TikTok, and 1Password, all of which are progressively embracing passkeys.

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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