Find Missing Subnets in Active Directory

By | 2022-08-24

This is a very manual task of logging onto each domain controller and copying the file to a central location, and then sifting through the data to remove any duplicate IP addresses etc. This task becomes very time consuming if you have a large number of domain controllers.

The advantage of the script, is that the data is stored in a CSV which can be imported to be sorted and manipulated to find recent entires, or remove duplicate computer names and / or IP addresses.

The code doesn’t currently look for the no_client_site error specifically, it will import the entire file. The script does not rely on the Microsoft Active Directory module so you can use it with Windows domain controllers.

$dom = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
Write-Host '..current domain is' $dom

Write-Host '..getting all domain controllers in domain'
$dcs = $dom | % { $_.DomainControllers } | Select Name
$at = ($dcs | Measure-Object).count

foreach ($dc in $dcs)
        $path = '\\' + $ + '\admin$\debug\netlogon.log'
        if ((test-path $path) -eq $true)
                Write-Host "..collecting logfile from ($at)" $path
                [array]$colLogs += gc $path
            $at --

Write-Host '..combining logs'
$outFile = '.\expFile.txt'
$colLogs | Out-File $outFile

Write-Host '..importing combined log as csv'
$importString = Import-Csv $outFile -Delimiter ' ' -Header Date,Time,Domain,Error,Name,IPAddress

Write-Host '..exporting results'
$importString | select Date, Name, IPAddress | sort IPAddress -Unique | Export-Csv .\expDB.csv

Author: dwirch

Derek Wirch is a seasoned IT professional with an impressive career dating back to 1986. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that is invaluable to those embarking on their journey in the tech industry.

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